Wednesday, September 15, 2004

More Legal Torrent Sources

I've found a couple of other places determined to stay out of the gray. deals with files that are licensed under a Creative Commons license. I found this site looking for a torrent of Lawrence Lessig's book Free Culture, which I'm currently reading and hope to talk more about shortly, but it also has torrents of various other things as well.

Also, there's, which has torrents of various concerts taped legally in Colorado, of bands that encourage such things. Apparently including Grateful Dead and Dave Matthews Band, among others. I haven't pulled any of these down, but like the idea. has more links to legal sites; check them out.

1 comment:

Brian said...

Hey Dave, Check out my new site PeerIt. Sellers can post there torrents for sale. Buyers get paid for sharing their purchases. Fully integrated with PayPal and Google Checkout.