Friday, August 04, 2006

Homespun Tapes

A while back, I'd gotten a guitar instruction DVD from Homespun Tapes. While I didn't do much with it, I liked the idea of using the video, so when I got their recent catalog, and it had things on sale, I went through looking for keyboard videos. They've got plenty, and I ordered two: Learn to Play Blues Piano by David Cohen, and You Can Play Jazz Piano by Warren Bernhardt. Being a beginner, I got volume one of both sets.

They arrived yesterday, and I sat down and watched the first half of the blues video last night. It moved through a tiny bit of theory pretty fast, and gets right to showing you some fun stuff. I'm still not really fluent at doing vastly different things with my left hand; simple chords one per measure are okay, so the first piece was a little bit of a stretch. Still, it's really easy to follow what he's doing, and will be great fun once I improve my skills a tiny bit.

And of course this fits in with my creative ideas, in that both videos emphasize improvising, and what I've watched of Cohen so far talks a bit about that at just my (beginning) level.

I'm really liking Homespun products a lot.

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